Regarding basketball, accurate shooting makes the difference on the scoreboard. Shooting is the most important and challenging skill of basketball.
The three-point swishes are the heart of basketball, and the dunk is the spark of the basketball.
If you want to make fans stand on their toes, you have to master shooting skills.
Shooting is not a genetic trait; it is learned by sheer commitment, focus, and hours of practice on the court. Pure shooters are the result of continuous hard work and practice.
It’s not strength alone that matters in basketball shooting. Sound technique and practice are the basics of accurate, timely, and swift shooting.
Practice makes a man perfect. This article will give you some propitious tips to improve your basketball shooting skills.
Tips to Improve Your Basketball Shooting
So, are you ready to improve your basketball shooting? You have to start from the basics of shooting. Let’s start now.
Stay Focused:

Flight and distance to the basket are essential to score points. Take a position near the basket and adjust your flight trajectory to the target. Don’t rush toward pace; stay focused on the target and adjust the trajectory of the flight.
Work on your balance and positioning.

Balance behind the ball is the guarantee to basket a ball. Your foot positioning at the time of shooting a basketball matters a lot.
If you like the open shooting style, your shooting foot would be in a forward position facing the basket, and the non-shooting foot would be trailing behind.
The other is the wide stance; both feet must face toward the basket in this position. While practicing the positioning, there should be a shoulder-width distance between your feet, and the knees must slightly bend.
Improve the grip on the basketball:

The sound grip on the basketball will increase the probability of scoring points. The best grip on a basketball requires your fingers to be spread apart as much as possible.
There should be a visible space between the basketball and the palms of your hands. You will not get your shooting right if the basketball keeps touching your palm.
Work for the perfect delivery of the basketball:
Perfect delivery of a ball demands a smooth push toward the basket. You should align the basketball in front of your head. It is a big mistake to let the ball go behind your head position while shooting.
The ball should be flighted up rather than dipping toward the rim. Your elbow and wrists must align with the rim while shooting the ball.
Improve your follow-through:

Shooting is important, but a sound follow-through is also essential to improve the precision of your shooting.
Your elbow must retain the shooting position in line with the rim after the ball’s release. Apart from the elbow, the landing must also be perfect.
Ideally, you should land at the same place from where you jump to shoot the basketball.
Recommended Drills to Improve Basketball Shooting

- 1-Hand Form Shooting Drill.
- 1-Hand Form Shooting With Guide Hand Drill.
- Set to Go Drill.
- Tuck to Set Drill.
- Tuck to Go Drill.
- Shooting Off the Pass Drill.
Shooting is an essential skill to rank yourself up in a basketball game. Shooting demands complete control of the hands and active collaboration of hand, elbow, and jumping stance. The important thing is that one should rectify his mistakes in the same spot during practice.